Fixing the 'Module Not Found' Issue in Jupyter Notebook


The "Module Not Found Error" is a common error that occurs when using the Jupyter Notebook application. It can be frustrating to encounter this error, as it can be caused by a number of different issues and it is not always immediately clear how to fix it. In this article, we will explore the various causes of the "Module Not Found Error" and provide solutions for how to resolve it.


Cause 1

One of the most common causes of the "Module Not Found Error" is that the module you are trying to import is not installed on your system.

For example, if you are trying to import a module called "pandas" and you have not installed it, you will receive a "Module Not Found Error". To fix this issue, you will need to install the missing module. This can typically be done using the pip command, which is a package manager for Python. For example, to install the "pandas" module, you would use the following command:

pip install pandas

Cause 2

Another cause of the "Module Not Found Error" is that the module you are trying to import is installed, but it is not in the correct location. This can occur if you have installed the module in a different Python environment or if you have installed it using a different package manager.

To fix this issue, you will need to ensure that the module is installed in the correct location and is accessible to the Jupyter Notebook application. We can achieve that either by running pip statement from our jupyter notebook by running the following command

!pip install [package_name]

But, above code may not install it in the directory of the python version which is being used by jupyter notebook. It will install in the directory of the python which is in the $PATH variable of the OS, which may or may not match with python's version of jupyter notebook.

To solve that problem we can install it using the 'sys' library in Python, which returns the path of the current version's pip on which jupyter is running. sys.executable returns the path of the Python.exe of the current Jupyter instance.

import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install [package_name]

It will install the package into the correct python version.

Cause 3

A third cause of the "Module Not Found Error" is that the module you are trying to import has a different name than the one you are using in your code. This can happen if you are using an outdated version of a module or if you are using a module that has been renamed. To fix this issue, you will need to use the correct module name in your code.

Cause 4

Finally, the "Module Not Found Error" can also occur if you have a typo in your code or if you are trying to import a module that does not exist. To fix this issue, you will need to double-check your code for any typos and ensure that you are attempting to import a valid module.


In summary, the "Module Not Found Error" can be caused by a number of different issues, including missing modules, modules that are not in the correct location, incorrect module names, and typos in your code.

To fix this error, you will need to install missing modules, ensure that modules are in the correct location, use the correct module names, and check your code for typos. By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the "Module Not Found Error" and continue working with the Jupyter Notebook application

Fixing the 'Module Not Found' Issue in Jupyter Notebook