Prabhnoor Maingi
37 articles
I am an aspiring engineer, studying at GTBIT, delhi. Talking about skills - I love to code, write poems, short snippets, do photography and writing a bit of philosophical things. Nature admirer, lover of music.
Square Root Program in C++
C++ program to find cube root of a number
Program to find the smallest element missing in a sorted array in C++
Program to sort a given unsorted array in wave form in C++
Program to find the most occurring element in an array of integers in C++
Program to find all elements in array of integers which have at-least two greater elements in C++
Program to find the first repeating element in an array of integers in C++
Program to print all unique elements in an array
C++ program to separate even and odd numbers from an array
Program to display the cube of the number upto given integer in C++
Program to calculate the series (1) + (1+2) + (1+2+3) + … + (1+2+3+4+…+n) in C++
Program to find power of any number in C++
2's complement in C++
Program to find 1's complement of a binary number in C++
Program to find the smallest and second smallest elements in a given array of integers in C++
Program to find k largest elements in a given array of integers in C++
Program to find Next Greater Element
Remove duplicates from a linked list
Maximum consecutive integers present in an array
Reverse Only Alphabets Problem
Count number of zeros in a Row-wise Col-wise sorted binary matrix
Count frequency of number in sorted array
Buy and Sell Stocks Problem
Convert Binary to Decimal program in C++
Convert Binary to Hexadecimal program in C++
Convert Binary to Octal program in C++
Convert Decimal To Octal program in C++
C++ program to convert decimal to hexadecimal
Calculator Program in C++
Program to Reverse a Sentence Using Recursion in C++
Program to Shutdown and restart in C++
Program to convert hexadecimal to octal in C
ncr program in C++ | npr program in C++
Program to get IP Address in C
Program to count word in a sentence in C++
Program to print Date in C++
Count frequency of number in sorted array Problem