Himani Kohli
28 articles
I am a data scientist. I like to research. Apart from core subjects, I am part of an organization named AIESEC. As I talk about my hobbies I like dancing and listening music.
Calculator Program in Python
Heap sort in Python
Insertion Sort Program in Python
Linear Search in Python
Inverse of a matrix in Python
GCD of two numbers in Python
Find square root in python
Decimal to Binary in Python
Diamond pattern program in Python
Compound interest program in Python
Binary search in python using recursion
Program to print the biggest number out of three in Python
Bubble sort program in Python
Reverse string program in Python
Area of Circle in Python
Anagram Program in Python
Python program to generate a random number
Area of Triangle in Python
Python program to find average of N numbers
Armstrong number in Python
Factorial Program in Python
Leap Year Program in Python
Program to search an element using Binary Search in Python
Fibonacci series program in Python
Prime Number Program in Python
Python program for palindrome
How to add two numbers in python ?
Hello World Program