Palindrome program in C

Written by

Pooja Rao

Palindrome in C Program

What is a palindrome?

  • A palindrome is nothing but a text or string which when read forward or backward is read the same. It can contain any type of characters.
  • There are even palindrome numbers which are numbers which are the same when read forward and backward.
  • For e.g: MADAM, NAN, 12321, ANNA etc.
  • Note that, the palindrome can have even or odd number of characters.

Approach 1: Using the inbuilt C functions from string.h:

  • We first scan the string.
  • We then copy it to another string as well.
  • We reverse the copied string here it is string 2 using strrev
  • We compare the characters of both strings using strcmp; to check if the strung read forward and backward reads same or not.
  • This is not recommended approach as strrev is from Microsoft C library and does not work in standard C library. If you are using a Turbo C++ IDE, only then will the below approach work. The GNU library has no such function defined and will throw you an error.
  • Here to scan the string we are using fgets method in order to understand how it is used, although it is not recommended.




#include <string.h>    //include the header file which contains definition of string functions

int main()



char string1[50], string2[50] ;

printf("Enter a string : \n");

fgets(string1, 100, stdin);     //read string input from standard input screen.

strcpy(string2,string1);     //copy string 1 into string 2

strrev(string2);                  //reverse string 2 in order to compare both string in next step

if( strcmp(string1, string2) == 0 )

printf("Entered string is a palindrome.\n");


printf("Entered string is not a palindrome.\n");


return  0;



Case 1: String is a palindrome – odd numbered.

Enter a string: MADAM
Entered string is a palindrome.

Case 2: String is a palindrome – even numbered.

Enter a string: 12ANNA21

Entered string is a palindrome.

Case 3: String is not a palindrome.

Enter a string: STUDYMITE

Entered string is not a palindrome.

Approach 2:  Without using pre-defined functions of C:

  • In this approach we will first accept the input string.
  • Next, we calculate the length of the string.
  • We know that palindrome should be read same forward and backward.
  • Hence, we divide the array into two and traverse the elements while always comparing the elements of the first section and the second section to match with each other proceeding sequential.
  • It shall work for both odd and even palindromes; as for even palindromes the string will be equally divided and each element compared; whereas for odd palindromes we will compare all elements except the middle element.


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


char string[100];

int start, mid, end, size = 100, bytes_read, length, i, j;

printf("Enter a string: ");

string = (char *) malloc (size);

bytes_read = getline (&string, &size, stdin);

length = bytes_read - 1;   //since getline() stores '\n' at last block. hence bytesread - 1 = length of string.

end = length - 1;

mid = length/2;

for (start = 0; start < mid; start++, end--)


if (string[start] != string[end])


printf("Entered string is not a Palindrome.\n");




if (start == mid)

printf("Entered string is a Palindrome.\n");

return 0;



Case 1: String is a palindrome – odd numbered.

Enter a string: POP
Entered string is a Palindrome.


Case 2: String is a palindrome – even numbered.

Enter a string: MADAM

Entered string is a Palindrome.


Case 3: String is not a palindrome.

Enter a string: STUDYMITE

Entered string is a Palindrome.


Approach 3: Program for number palindrome:

  • Here we scan an integer as input.
  • We then manually calculate the reverse of the number.
  • Next, both the original numbers and its reverse are compared; on returning true it means it is a palindrome ; if false then it is not.


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int num, rem = 0, rev, n ;

printf("Enter an integer to check if it is palindrome or not\n");

scanf("%d", &num);

n = num;

while (n != 0)              //reversing the number


rem = n % 10;

rev = rem + ( rev* 10);

n = n/10;


if (num == rev)                 //comparing to check palindrome or not

printf("%d number is a palindrome.\n", num);


printf("%d number isn't a palindrome.\n", num);

return 0;




Enter an integer to check if it is palindrome or not


12321 number is a palindrome.


Enter an integer to check if it is palindrome or not


12312 number isn't a palindrome.



Approach 4: Program using pointers for palindrome:

  • We have used a combination of functions and pointers to address the concern.
  • We initially call a function check_palindrome; whose function is to return a flag to main() based on the comparison output of the string and its reverse.
  • We have created separate functions for copying the original string, then reversing it and then comparing them.


#include <stdio.h>

int check_palindrome(char*, int);

void copy_string(char*, char*);

void reverse_string(char*, int);

int compare_string(char*, char*);

int main()


char *string;

int result, size = 100, bytes_read, l;

printf("Enter a string: ");

string = (char *) malloc (size);

bytes_read = getline (&string, &size, stdin);

l = bytes_read - 1;

result = check_palindrome(string, l);

if (result == 1)

printf("Entered string is a palindrome.\n");


printf("Entered string is not a palindrome.\n");

return 0;


int check_palindrome(char *string, int length)


int check;

char *reverse;

reverse = (char*)malloc(length+1);

copy_string(reverse, string);

reverse_string(reverse, length);

check = compare_string(string, reverse);


if (check == 0)

return 1;


return 0;


void copy_string(char *dest, char *source)




*dest = *source;




*dest = '\0';


void reverse_string(char *string, int length)


int c;

char *start, *end, temp;

start = string;

end = string;

for (c = 0; c < (length - 1); c++)


for (c = 0; c < length/2; c++)


temp = *end;

*end = *start;

*start = temp;





int compare_string(char *string, char *reverse)




if (*string == '\0' || *reverse == '\0')





if (*string == '\0' && *reverse == '\0')

return 0;


return -1;



Enter a string: madam
Entered string is a palindrome.

Enter a string: Neon Entered string is not a palindrome.

Thus, we have seen various methods to perform string reverse operation in C.

Palindrome program in C